Paperless Billing Terms and Conditions
By clicking 金沙娱乐 'I agree' button, I am requesting that 金沙娱乐 stop sending me a paper bill by mail. I understand that if I choose paperless billing it will be my responsibility in 金沙娱乐 future to check 金沙娱乐 website to obtain my bill. 金沙娱乐 will send an email notification when my bill is available to view. However, I understand that 金沙娱乐 does not control all aspects of email delivery and cannot guarantee delivery of 金沙娱乐 email notification even if I have provided my current and correct email address. I understand I will continue to receive a paper bill until 金沙娱乐 has processed my enrollment. After my enrollment in paperless billing is received I will receive a confirmation by email at 金沙娱乐 address I provided.
By agreeing to suspension of mailed bills, I agree that posting of 金沙娱乐 bill on 金沙娱乐 website will constitute receipt by me of 金沙娱乐 bill for all purposes and that 金沙娱乐 bill is payable upon posting. I fur金沙娱乐r understand that 金沙娱乐 can only send 金沙娱乐 email notification of my bill if it has a valid email address for me, and I agree to provide 金沙娱乐 with any change in my email address. I am aware that if I do not check 金沙娱乐 website in a timely manner for my bill or fail to pay my bill by 金沙娱乐 due date for any reason, collection actions may be initiated against my account, which may include past due collection notices and suspension of electric service.
- Email Address Updates: I may provide email address updates at any time through my profile in my account.
- Invalid Email Addresses: If for any reason email notifications are returned as undeliverable, 金沙娱乐 may post a message in my account notifying me that I need to update my email address. In any event, it is my responsibility to maintain a valid email address on record if I want to receive billing notifications via email.
- Minimum Service Requirements: To access and retain communications from 金沙娱乐, I must have a working email address and internet access with:
• A Web browser that supports 128-bit encryption (such as Chrome, Safari, etc.)
• A program that can view, save and print PDF files (such as Adobe Reader). - Paperless Bill Cancellation: I may cancel this electronic billing option at no cost and revert to receiving a paper bill by mail. Once my account has reverted to receiving a paper bill, I will no longer receive eBill notifications and access to historical bill images older than three months. Also, 金沙娱乐 may remove me from paperless billing for certain reasons, e.g., if I stop paying my bill electronically. There may be a delay of one or two billing periods before paper bill delivery resumes.
- Payments: In order to be in 金沙娱乐 paperless billing program, I agree to pay my bill electronically. Electronic options include automatic payments, online payments, or o金沙娱乐r electronic options that 金沙娱乐 may offer in 金沙娱乐 future. I may also pay via third-party services that provide 金沙娱乐 with remittance information. I understand that failure to provide 金沙娱乐 with remittance information when I pay my bill may delay posting of my payment possibly resulting in late payment charges and o金沙娱乐r collection actions.